Medium Sized Bark ♦ Flowerbeds ♦ Landcape Bark
A well maintained flowerbed gives you healthy and beautiful flowers. Use our medium bark for ground cover or topsoil dressing in your flowerbeds. Medium bark locks in moisture, so your flowerbeds get all the water it needs. Imagine having a garden full of great looking roses, marigolds, lobelia or tulips.
We have medium bark for all sizes of flowerbeds. Our 2 inch minus is our most popular medium bark. It comes in brown to light colors. These colors add to the attractiveness of your landscaping projects. Increase the health and beauty of your flowers with our medium bark.
- Increases Health and Beauty of Flowerbeds
- Retains Moisture for Flowers
- Increases Landscape Attractiveness
- Available in All Volumes
- Residential and Commercial Flowerbeds